Machine Learning

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

6 months industrial internship/training

The field of electronics and communication includes two vast domains which are complete and integrate different disciplines like electronics design, Integrated circuit design, automation, robotics, mobile communication, microwave engineering, RF engineering etc., such a multiplicity in these domains provides a bunch of career options to the students pursuing course in this field. With this much choices and opportunities any one can get a better job and a stable career.

But, the facts are different. A report in a national daily says,”75 percent engineering students in India are unemployable”. The reason behind the situation is the absence of the required skill-set for being employable. Students lack the skills and knowledge they are expected to acquire during their academic course even after practical sessions in college labs and non-customized industrial trainings.

One should think twice before applying for industrial internship or industrial training course keeping in mind that the motive behind training is to “impart practical knowledge, know-how of the industry, work ethics and most importantly the skills required to the trainees”.

Choosing the right place for internship is crucial as it is an opportunity to engage with the profession to which the student aspire in a realistic work environment they also appreciate and understand the practical application of their academic program and work with professional mentors and begin to build networks within their profession.
So, with a proper internship he or she is trained to be job-ready, even before completion of the course, thus increasing the student’s employment prospects.00A0

Friday, May 9, 2014

VLSI training in India

There are many institutes and companies providing training and project guidance in VLSI domain of electronics field. But somehow they leave students in lurch and the electronics student get diverted from their goal and they consider the VLSI domain to be a level harder than their reach. For getting trained in the conceptual filed like VLSI one need to get a peculiar and sharp mindset so that student can choose a particular training institute of VLSI or a VLSI training company. The VLSI field is so much vast as it includes Frontent (Design And Verification), Backend ( Physical Design and Floorplanning), Analog electronics, Rf signals, Mix-mode etc. So nobody wants to put hands in this technology but still there are some institutes or companies standing still to provide training and guidance to the ECE students. VLSI training companies in India are trying to put forward their hands in bringing back the hardware skillsets above the software countries.

Summer training institute in VLSI

Everybody is found to whisper that the jobs in electronics field are decreasing day by day in India, but do we think the candidate seeking for a job is eligible for any job in core electronics domains?
Answer is crystal clear that the jobs are not declining, but the number of eligible candidates are declining day by day due to lack of technological skills and other essential criteria for jobs as nobody wants to look beyond their textbooks and lectures.
Summer training is the best initiative for (ece) electronics students to draw their attention from textbooks and implement their skills and knowledge in an industry to get a highlight of their future perspectives and cutting edge technologies.
The first and most important thing before going for summer training is the selection of right domain. There are enormous options available for the students to do their summer training such as VLSI summer training, Mtech. Projects for ece , embedded system summer training, live projects based training, VLSI design & education center,  vlsi training company ,  vlsi training institute in india etc. 
 Students having their interest in hardware and core concepts of semiconductor electronics and analog electronics must choose to go for summer training inVLSI. SiliconMentor is a platform for the ECE students to enhance their skills in VLSI domain and make themselves employable. SiliconMentor believes to train the students in VLSI domain and make India a hardware giant instead of running after software as all European countries are doing that right now.

Silicon mentor
(creating value through silicon)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

VLSI Projects

Electronic B.Tech graduate students opt for the or higher studies only if they have a will to do a research in a particular field or they are intellectually challenged by the technology. There are several domains in which they can pursue their and higher studies. One of the domain from them is the VLSI (very large scale integration). 

The VLSI domain includes core concepts like semiconductor physics and analog electronics which itself is a challenge for the students and the next hurdle in this domain is the research project i.e. the students are required to do IEEE research project in their final year of post-graduation.  Such students can not get a way to tackle the problems at their own. They are needed to get a technical guidance and support related to their projects. Some of the students go for frontend (Design and Verification) VLSI projects while a few show interest in Backend projects (Physical Design).

There are a countable number of entities or organizations which provides a depth training on tools and concepts of VLSI. SiliconMentor is an idol stepping stone in entire north India which aims to aspire the students in core VLSI technology and believes in delivering a beneath the concepts knowledge to the students and stands for the VLSI students as a supporting hand. They provide us with the great hands on tools and knowledge transfer.