Machine Learning

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Support for PhD thesis/Dissertation

The Engineering researcher, students and professional all passes through an important part of the education system. Those who want to add value in their work they should do their projects in an efficient and convenient way. They should understand one thing which is most important while choosing a VLSI Project and PhD thesis which is “the work should be contributed towards to the enhancement and development of the society.” 

Silicon Mentor is a VLSI and AI based Research and Development Company which helps VLSI and AI student, Researcher to complete their research work under the guidance of experienced professionals. There are various sub-domains of VLSI projects and PhD thesis where Silicon Mentor has worked. Some of the areas are mentioned below.

Low Power VLSI projects one of the most useful areas. We have worked on different Low power design techniques from device level to circuit topologies. Other sub-domains of VLSI projects mainly focus on mixed signal based device circuit designing. The exponentially increasing technology also needs new hardware which will be convenient platform to implement some of the critical AI based algorithm. 

Therefore to overcome these tradeoffs silicon mentor working on many PhD thesis and VLSI project to get or innovate a new idea. So come and make a contribution for the development of society and add value to your research.

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