Machine Learning

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

M.Tech Thesis Directions: Choosing a Research Topic

M.Tech Thesis/dissertation seems to be a formidable task to the students as it requires selection of unique topic, implementation of the base paper, doing research in the base paper, writing a scholarly report, paper publication etc.

With limited resources made available by the academics, most of the students hire an external guide or tutor for the research guidance to help them accomplish their dissertation work.
The selection of research topic for the M.Tech thesis is the most crucial step for beginning the thesis work. Thesis Guidance

Here are a few guidelines for the selection for Research topic for M.Tech/PhD Thesis:

  •        It’s almost impossible to come up with a completely new idea. Every discovery or research depends on existing methodologies or technology. The existing technology or theory can be rolled in a new way to make it applicable for the new problem. So, never pick up any hypothetical topic for the research.
  •        Aim for a specific result that nobody has achieved ever before as Watson and Crick aimed to discover DNA.
  •      Apply a new methodology in the existing technology to contribute to the technology. The methodology should be new to the problem statement addressed in the research.
  •        Choose a specific subject for the research i.e. VLSI from ECE, Digital image processing form CSE etc.
  •        Read some standard papers from reputed journals such as IEEE or Sciencedirect to find about the work going on in the subject selected by you.
  •        Be aware of the resources and tools you have for your research.
  •        Never sit and wait for one specific idea, instead gather several ideas no matter if this seems to be crazy at first.  Once you are opted with a number of ideas you can choose a specific out of those.
  •        Gather good data before going for implementation and facilitate yourself with the resources in the initial phase that you are going to use in the implementation.
  •      Consider multiple ideas for the topic selection for your thesis, eliminate the outdated after studying the research papers and go for the unique one before initiating the implementation.

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