Sunday, June 21, 2015

An overview of Research Guidance in PhD

Silicon Mentor is one of the best research entities in India. To make an environment of research we are providing our services in research and development of some of the world most recent burning topics in engineering and technology. Silicon Mentor has expertise in various research domain including Computer Vision, Machine Learning, VLSI, Biomedical Signal Processing and Digital Signal Processing. In the process of research and development we have a unit which provides research guidance to the PhD students. Our research process for PhD projects starts from the specific domain topic selection.

1)    The topic selection is based on either on the student requirement or we suggest them appropriate topic.
2)    After the selection of appropriate topic and research domain we assign our expert team for the support PhD student. This team works with the students on some of the previous work published in SCI indexed journals.
3)    During the review period of the previous work our team starts to generate new idea to modify the previous work.
4)    After the completion of previous work verification we turn our direction of research towards the modification in the previous design or to generate a new idea.
5)    For the implementation of new idea or modification we continuously contact the students and make him understand the new work.
6)    For the required tool training Silicon Mentor runs special class to train the students.
7)    After the modification of the design we do compare the result of the modified design and previous work.
8)    After the verification of complete verification of the result we forward this to next step.
9)    We do also compare analytical and simulative results for the preparation of the proposed method.
10)    After the completion of the all above steps we provide our expert team in the domain of research paper publication.
11)    Our expert team of Research paper publication provides updates about the new conference and journal publication.
12)    We usually suggest our clients to publish their work in IEEE, Springer like publications.
13)    We also help them to publish their work in any of the SCI index journals.

Thus we try to provide best research guidance for PhD thesis and PhD projects. We are in the process of continuous improvement to make our services more convenient in the area of Research and Development. For more information you can contact us.

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